Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress


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Home page TAH partonomy
Top level systema trunci Short Extended
Level 2 compartimenta thoracis Short Extended
Current level mediastinum
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
9826 3033 Tax
9827 3034 Tax
mediastinum superius
médiastin supérieur
9828 3035 Tax
mediastinum inferius
médiastin inférieur
9838 3036 Tax
mediastinum anterius
médiastin antérieur
71429 3717 Tax
ligamenta sternopericardiaca
ligaments sternopéricardiques
14821 Tax
ligamentum sternopericardiacum superius
ligament sternopéricardique supérieur
15779 Tax
ligamentum sternopericardiacum inferius
ligament sternopéricardique inférieur
9839 3037 Tax
mediastinum medium
médiastin moyen
9840 3038 Tax
mediastinum posterius
médiastin postérieur
77436 3718 Tax
membrana bronchopericardiaca
membrane bronchopéricardique
77225 2520 Tax
musculus bronchooesophagealis
muscle bronchooesophagien
77226 2521 Tax
musculus pleurooesophagealis
muscle pleuroœsophagien
(trigonum thymicum )
(trigone thymique )
(trigonum pericardiacum )
(trigone péricardique )
14 lines
92.9 %
85.7 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Membrana bronchopericardiaca A connective tissue membrane consisting mainly of collagenous fibres that extends from the anterior surface of the tracheal bifurcation via the dorsal wall of the pericardium to the diaphragm. Three fibre directions can be discerned. Vertical fibres run in the direction just mentioned. Transverse fibres run from the pericardium into the lung where they join the adventitia of the large pulmonary veins. Oblique fibres extend from the two main bronchi diagonally over the pericardium into the opposite pulmonal ligaments. The membrane is the borderline between the middle and the posterior mediastinum, together with the tracheal bifurcation. Its function is to stabilize the tracheal bifurcation and that of the main bronchi, in relation to the dorsal aspect of the pericardium and the pulmonary hilus, during movements relating to respiration, the larynx, and the head. Benninghoff Anatomie. 1994. Edited by Drenckhahn D. and Zenker W. Vol. 1. p. 557. München-Wien-Baltimore: Urban & Schwarzenberg. Rauber/Kopsch. 1987. Anatomie des Menschen. Edited by Leonhardt H. Vol. 2, p. 159. “Innere Organe." Stuttgart, New York: Georg Thieme.
Date: 31.05.2024